Underman's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - 30 YEARS ON



In July 1992 Arthur C. Clarke returned to his home town of Minehead in Somerset, England, to guest in a Space Age Festival, accompanied by his brother Fred, who has always lived in the area, and Harry Lange, designer of many of 2001's most admired "props", including space suits and spacecraft.

On show again were some relics of the movie, including Dave's helmet, which you can also see in my "Ultimate Collectibles" page as seen at Cyberfest, Urbana, Illinois in 1997.

As a confirmed 2001 devotee and long- time acquaintance of Dr. Clarke, Sam Naji could hardly believe his luck to not only attend the Festival, but have almost unchecked access to Clarke himself. He was able to secure some fine photographs and has kindly allowed me to share them in this special page - another addition to "2001: A Space Odyssey - 30 Years On".


Harry Lange is reunited with the famous red helmet, which he designed more than twenty five years earlier

Harry Lange with Dave's helmet (1)

Harry Lange with Dave's helmet (2)


Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke (1)

Arthur C. Clarke (2)

Sam with Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke signs


Harry Lange

The Clavius excavation as painted by artist David Hardy

Sam with Harry Lange

The Clavius excavation


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This page: Copyright © 1998 by Underman
Photographs taken at the Minehead Space Age Festival, 1992, reproduced with kind permission of Sam Naji

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